Writing is a mirror of one's personality. When we write we reveal a part of ourselves. We reveal our mind. We reveal our thoughts. If it is possible to exist, then it is possible to write, because writing is thinking, and thoughts are existence. This is especially true of the mind of Edgar Allan Poe, who by writing over and over again about his love and loss through both poetry and general prose generates the story of his life. In these pieces, he not only creates original plots, but deep within the fabric of these plots arises an underlying world of Poe's life, deeper than any allegory he produces or any poem he completes. The dark corners of Poe's mind are distinctly represented throughout his work. The experiences, mostly negative, appear as signs everywhere in each of his publications. Not everything is shown clearly, sometimes you have to look for the hidden meaning. Sometimes, you have to think to understand thinking. Intentional or not, Poe left his mark on "Annabel Lee," "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "Eldorado," all of which tell emotional stories. Many read the bare surface of Poe's bold narratives, and not much else. There is a deeper meaning in the text that connects the world of dreams to reality. Edgar Allan Poe's life can be summed up in a few words: death, love, loss, pain and mystery. What better way to express it than through a poem? Poe did exactly that in “Annabel Lee,” made famous by its smooth flow and rhyme. The poem describes a relationship between two young lovers. Annabel Lee, is killed by the envious angels of heaven to destroy the love between her and the narrator. However, this setback was evidently minor because their love still existed, and even though… middle of paper… In any case, the poem generalizes Poe's mysterious life quite well. by Edgar Allan Poe has more meanings than seem obvious. Tragic events and dark details of his life are transcribed on paper, not clearly, but hidden in each of his publications. His stories can be seen more as imprints than allegories: they are the imprints he left on the universe. His life story, all his experiences, good and bad, have influenced his writing in one way or another. Today we can analyze this information and deduce facts about Poe's life, just as detectives uncover clues from the forgotten past, but the past has not been completely forgotten. Poe is gone now, but he is alive and well in our hearts today when we read his prose and poetry. His bold and powerful words essentially represent Edgar Allan Poe's entire life.