Technology is the application of knowledge on the use of machines or tools, techniques and organization of methods, in order to solve or improve a pre-existing problem. The application of technology, known as Tele-nursing, means the application of technology to provide and improve nursing care through the execution of nursing practice. Tele-nursing allows nurses to perform assessments, plan care, develop interventions and monitor patients, through the use of technologies such as computers, the Internet, digital assessment tools, telephones and telemonitoring equipment. The complexity of patient care technology has changed the nature of nursing care delivery. Previously, before the inventions, nurses relied on their five senses to check the patient's progress. However, this has changed over time since the technology was designed to identify patient progress. Advances in nursing technology have improved service delivery by nursing staff and increased the patient's chances of recovery. Teletechnologies provide many healthcare services that help in monitoring and recovery of patients. Patient care technologies that interest nurses range from simple equipment such as syringes and catheters, to highly complex devices, such as electronic medical records and barcode medication administration systems. Adherence and compliance issues are important to ensure patient safety. Some patients attribute their inability to adhere to treatment regimens to factors such as communication problems, complex treatment regimen, and poor understanding due to the need for additional guidance. Telemedicine is applicable for communicating and monitoring patients outside of the hospital environment. Additionally, it has also impacted healthcare utilization by reducing… half the paper… errors in healthcare practice. As the years pass and innovations continue to emerge, hospitals and nurses stand to gain because the number of oversights, miscalculations or inaccuracies also continues to decline. Works Cited Jennifer W., A., Eric A., S., Adam B., L., Laura, W., Janet H., S., Toree, M., & Gary R., G. (2006) . Home-based behavioral health intervention: Use of a telehealth model to address poor adherence to type 1 diabetes medical regimens. Telemedicine and e-Health, 12(3), 370-372. Meadows, G. (2003). Improving the patient experience with information technology. Nursing Economic$, 21(6), 300-301.Poon, E.G., Keohane, C.A., Yoon, C.S., Ditmore, M., Bane, A., Levtzion-Korach, O., ... & Gandhi, T.K. ( 2010). Effect of barcode technology on the safety of drug administration. New England Journal of Medicine, 362(18), 1698-1707.