IntroductionNatural and seeded grasslands provide forage for livestock and equine populations around the world. Well-managed pasture provides adequate nutrition while improving soil fertility and decreasing land degradation (Kemp & Michalk 1994). Horses that graze on optimally managed pastures will achieve better health and maintain good condition, compared to horses that graze on optimally managed pastures. poorly managed grazing (Undersander & Antoniewicz 1997, p.1). Understanding the processes involved in good pasture management will benefit farmers when preparing and caring for their pastures, whilst being cost effective, with little money misused on unnecessary equipment or control measures. Pasture Selection A good horse pasture provides year-round grazing. The grazing mix is selected based on the environment and the needs of the horse(s), it is good management to include a variety of different species so that the mix can meet all the required nutrients whilst combining the benefits of each species (Avery 2006). The addition of a legume increases forage production and minimizes the need to provide hay or grain (Undersander & Antoniewicz 1997, p.1). Figure 1 shows monthly forage production from grass pasture (good and poor management), compared to legume grazing (good and poor management). Figure 1. Monthly forage production in a 2-acre grass and legume pasture ( Undersander & Antoniewicz 1997, p.2). Soil Type and Nutrient Level Soil types vary from sand, sandy loams, loams, loams and folds. Soil type is determined by composition and structure, along with many other factors. The type of soil has a direct impact on the plants that can be grown in the paddock, as each plant species varies...... middle of paper ......cle/temperate-grasses-horse-pastures#.U3vhqlyXIlJ >Government of South Australia 2010, A Practical Guide to Rural Land Management, 2nd edition, course booklet.Grazing Management of Pastures nd FAO, viewed 22 May, Fairfax County Virginia and 'Earth Friendly Suburban Horse Farming', Fairfax County Virginia, viewed 22 May 2014, FarmStyle and 'Pasture Development on Small Farms', FarmStyle, accessed 20 May 2014,Kemp, D & Michalk, D 1994, Pasture Management: Technology for the 21st Century, CSIRO, Victoria, Australia.Undersander, D & Antoniewicz, R 1997, 'Pasture for Horses', University of Wisconsin-Extension, Madison, WI,>