“Prodigy” is an exciting post-apocalyptic science fiction novel written by Marie Lu. It is told by the two protagonists, Day and June. They attempt to uncover the truth about the rebels they work with and about the Republic. The Republic is their main form of government which killed both Day and June's families. They discover that the Patriot leader and "Prodigy" antagonist is planning to become the Elector; the main leader of the Republic. By day and June travel throughout the plague swept Las Vegas and the flooded West Coast seeking safety from the wars. Marie Lu wrote a wonderful 347-page novel full of courageous characters, who face many dangerous obstacles. The reader will be amazed by the resolution of the book and will be left with a powerful theme. The two protagonists and narrators of “Prodigy,” June and Day, have truly admirable characters. June is a fifteen year old girl, with brown hair and brown eyes. He is very talented with weapons because he was once a soldier. June was once very rich until she saved Day and became an outla...