Topic > Essay on the 1969 Dugway Incident - 878

The sheep carcasses were checked years later at the Edgewood Arsenal. Their blood and tissue samples showed that they had indeed been contaminated with VX. We learn about them when we first join the military in the Soldier's Manual of Common Duties. New soldiers are now taught through Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills. VX has many signs and symptoms of poisoning. Below is a list of typical symptoms someone might experience if they come into contact with nerve agent poisoning; Runny nose, drooling, difficulty seeing, tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, uncontrollable tremors, seizures, loss of consciousness, twitching of muscles, fatigue and weakness, and ultimately death. Works cited author, Andrew Kincaid, Death on the Wind: Thr Dugway Sheep Incident, retrieved from, Glenn Liddell, Dugway Proving Ground Advertisement, retrieved from Http://, Yvette D. Ison, Chemical Weapons Testing Created Controversy in Dugway