As I was growing up I always wanted a career in the medical field. Finding exactly the career that is best for me is the tricky part. However, after taking several courses and getting into physical activity, I decided that I would be more successful as a sports medicine doctor. However, trying to pursue a career in physics and medicine is not an easy path. It takes a lot of hard work, determination and that drive to succeed in this field. California State University East Bay does not have a specialization just in sports medicine, although kinesiology is classified as an option. Kinesiology majors have the experience of working in a clinical setting that requires multiple hands and also engaging in course work that involves collecting and analyzing data from clinical courses. As a visual learner, doing the hands-on work has been the easiest for me because I am able to clearly visualize and analyze the material. While some courses were challenging and obtained the necessary sports medicine related requirements that are helpful, additional courses that engaged more hands-on and field experience would have helped students with confidence, communication skills, and the ability to rehabilitate injuries efficiently. I understand this in To transition from the world of undergraduate college courses to that of higher education in preparation for graduation, it would take a lot of dedication, time, and effort. My entire life, I have always wanted to become a doctor and have put a lot of time and effort into my education to achieve that goal. Sports medicine intrigued me throughout college because of its endless mysteries and the fact that every answer has a q......half of a paper......internship in a clinical setting or athletic program at a university or a professional organization. Most curriculum programs do not have the space or equipment needed to help students better understand the material. Finally, I urge universities to incorporate courses in the kinesiology department that focus on practical field work so that students are able to gain confidence and good communication skills that will enable them to face many challenges. Reference Blecher, Andrew. "Basic sports medicine". Southern California Orthopedic Institute. (2014): n. page. Network. March 10, 2014. "American College of Sports Medicine." Promote health through science, education and medicine. (2014): n. page. Press. .