It is cruel, immoral and unnecessary especially in cases where the animal is injured but not killed. In a 2008 article written by PETA, they revealed that: “A study of 80 radio-collared white-tailed deer found that of 22 deer that were shot with “traditional archery equipment,” 11 were wounded but not recovered by hunters. ("Sport Hunting"). As motivated as they are, hunters using traditional archery equipment, guns and other weapons are not always accurate, which results in the loss of vital organs when they attempt to make their “kill shot.” When a hunter lacks the vital organs to die quickly, the animal often escapes and the hunter is unable to find it to finish the kill, carrying the animals. to suffer a slow and painful death often even days or weeks later (Lapierre). Even if hunters lose the animal completely, the stress and fear that animals feel due to the loud noises created by hunters makes them not want to. eat. Not eating leads them to greater difficulty during the winter months because they do not have enough fat or energy stored in their body (“Sport