Topic > Advantages and Disadvantages of Construction System

3) BOT (CONSTRUCTION, MANAGEMENT AND TRANSFER) DEFINITION BOT is basically a type of contract involving two sectors: private and government. The government has asked the private sector to provide some infrastructure for the living, so that they can contribute to the development of the country. The non-governmental sector will also design, provide financing, construct and manage the facility (building, school, road, etc.). After a certain period of time, ownership will revert to the government. This is possible thanks to the concession process where the private sector will reap the benefits of managing the building and then, once the concession ends, the property can be handed over to the government. In other words, BOTs can also be defined as a type of the development of technique through the involvement of private initiative. The type of building usually constructed is that which serves the public such as schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, water system, airports and any other social structures. BOT is also a type of private sector business where they undertake development and operation standards...