I would like to tell Julie that it is great that she is doing very well in school and that she already has a set plan for what she plans to do after high school to a career path. However, I would like to encourage Julie that it's best to have a backup plan just in case, because nothing is set in stone. It appears that Julie has explored many career options and has chosen the best career path for her. Julie also has a commitment set in stone. I would also like to tell Julie that often, sometimes, people can change their minds. For example, Julie has started taking courses about what she wants to do and then realizes that this is something she may not want to do for a career path after all, and that's completely fine. Many people change their minds from time to time. However, if Julie truly knows that this is what she wants to do, then I would tell her that she can complete this commitment no matter what and that there are many ways as well as help to help her complete this commitment that she wants