“People are very reluctant to talk about their private lives, but then you go on the Internet and they are much more open (Internet Quotes).” Paulo Coelho talked about this when it comes to meeting strangers online. In a society so dependent on electronic communication, children are only accepted by making online connections. This means that they will do anything to have large numbers of people watching them on social media; adults tend to do the same. Children learn by observing our behavior. Acting as if one day going online will ruin our civilization will corrupt the minds of children, thus making them think that the Internet is the most vital object. Of course there are dangers when allowing a child to access the web. Without proper education about the dangers of the online world, children could fall into a trap and become potential victims. To have well-rounded youth, parents must express healthy role modeling by teaching them how to identify dangerous interactions and carefully monitor their web history to protect children from online threats. These are people who see the negative effects the web has on children. . Early childhood experiences such as abduction, abuse, or other assaults can cause severe trauma to the victim. Traumas can include sleep disorders, eating disorders, ADHD, anxiety, hostility, and many other psychological harms (stress-related disorders caused by early life experiences). These traumas caused by negative online experiences can easily be avoided if there was more control over the Internet. Rather than talk to their children about the harms of the Internet, some parents want to ban the Web from their children altogether. Children, however, are smart and will find ways to challenge this rule. No matter how much we try to fight it, children will always be online in one way or another, this makes it difficult to monitor irresponsible acts of