The United States Army Regimental System was put in place to record all that the great soldiers before us have done while offering the greatest sacrifice. Showing us the facts of what this country has truly achieved. Each regiment is meant to give us pride in what we fight for every day. Remind us why it is important to fight for what we believe in. It's more than logos and mottos. It's about why the symbol or colors on your regimental coat of arms were chosen. Why that particular profession is important and what roles it plays in our great Army. The Chemical Regiment is so special because of its uniqueness and the fact that no other military occupation specialty compares. Since the day the Chemical Corps was established it has fought, demonstrating the importance of its being and displaying the pride and knowledge of the Dragon Soldiers. The Chemical Corps Regiment was founded on June 28, 1986. Once established, the regiment gave the Soldiers the awareness of how important it was to keep the spirit alive. Although the regiment began in 1986, records show that the Chemical Corps began 97 years ago during the First World War. On August 15, 1917, General Order 108 of the War Department was read under the authority granted by Section 2 of the Act of Congress “Authorizing the President shall temporarily augment the military establishment of the United States,” approved May 18. The President directed that the following special and technical engineer troops be organized for the period of the existing emergency, the enlisted forces augmented by voluntary enlistment or conscription: For each army: one gas and flame service (one regiment). (Addison 1919) This new regiment was known as “The Third...... middle of paper...... today. The Chemical Corps regiment may be one of the smallest in the United States Army. But never forget that we are not the force to joke with or, more importantly, have doubts. We govern the battle through ALL elements. Works Cited Addison, J. (1919) The History of the First Gas Regiment, Chapter One, Page One and Four. McKay, S. (2011) Rosters in the Army and Chemical Corps: Our Relevance and the Way Ahead.; referred to The Officers Guide, 8th edition, Military Service Publishing Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1942Brophy, L. and Fisher, G. (1989) The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War, Chapter 12, page 266, Table 9. Chemical Association of the Corps Regiment (2012)