Assignment 6: Annotated List of Research MaterialsGroup Number: Group 4Group Name: Diamond CommodityResearcher Name: Steven TranIdentify the topic you are covering: (e) Health effects associated with consuming the Product: Source Name 1: A Diamond's Journey: The Sad Reality Tarnishes GlitterURL: (MSNBC)Source Information Summary: This article talks about the health conditions of many diamond miners and prospectors affected due to sub-standard working conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. In these areas, where there are many unregulated mining sites, workers are subject to being exploited in dangerous working conditions. Children are particularly vulnerable in these environments because they already suffer from poor health due to lack of care and nutrition. Children have often been exploited in the diamond industry due to their ability to enter small spaces and dig mounds of dirt. Another health effect associated with diamond mining, which this article discusses, is that diamond deposits have often mixed with vegetated areas, making them unsuitable for agricultural activities. Mining equipment leaves heavy minerals and chemicals that end up in rivers and contaminate water sources vital to the mining community and people living in these rural areas. Currently, diamond companies, as well as labor and health activists, are trying to do something to help improve the health conditions of workers. Source Name 2: Dangerous Small Stones: Diamonds in the Central African Republic URL: http://www.crisisgroup. org/~/media/Files/africa/central-africa/central-african-republic/167%20Dangerous%20Little%20Stones%20-%20Dia......half of sheet......assumption, create emissions of greenhouse gases and other harmful chemical materials. Once released into the air, it can cause environmental problems, which in turn puts not only the environment at risk, but also the health of the people who live in it. In order to reduce energy use and help protect our planet and our health, the diamond mining industry has implemented renewable energy programs to monitor energy and carbon emissions. Since its inception, mining company PHP Billiton's program has saved the equivalent of one million liters of diesel per year at its Ekati diamond mine in Canada's Northwest Territories. The health of the environment and the health of humanity are one. Whatever we do to our planet, we do to ourselves. Reducing the energy consumption of diamond mining not only helps protect our planet, but also helps protect the health of our people.