Topic > arts - 582

The works of art that will be compared in this article are Giotto, Lamentation (c. 1304-5) and Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition (c. 1435). Although the two artists use different mediums and styles, they share the same subject: the story of the late Christ taken from the Holy Bible. The story of Christ's lament can be summarized as follows: due to Judas' betrayal, Christ was arrested and crucified. Both drawings illustrate the scene of the deposition of Christ. These drawings demonstrate naturalism using emotional effect. Giotto was an Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late Middle Ages. His works of art contribute many things to the Italian Renaissance. Unlike other painters of the time, Giotto decisively distanced himself from the fluid and unrealistic human figures of medieval works and gave rise to the naturalism movement. The painting Lamentation displays a great degree of naturalism, especially in the body language of each character in the painting. Rogier van der Weyden also shows a great degree of naturalism when depicting the face...