Our Founding Father believed that private gun ownership was a way to protect our freedom. Firearms were very common in the American colonies, they were used for hunting and general self-defense, and were later used in the American Revolutionary War to defeat the English, which one of the main sources of weapons used were privately owned. It was even required that the head of the household (including women) carry a weapon for protection, and all able-bodied men join the army and are required to carry a weapon. (procon.org) It is a tool that helped put food on the table for hard-working Americans, and without guns America would not be what it is today, but rather it may still be under the rule of the British colony. Because America has such a rich history of firearms, advocates believe it will be unconstitutional to eradicate the guns. The fact is that guns don't kill people, people do it; this is a much used argument, which logically couldn't be more accurate, but without further analysis. A gun is an inanimate object and is simply a tool and cannot be controlled. If I mounted a gun pointing it at a target without touching it, no matter how much I yelled at it to shoot, it wouldn't. So the issue is not gun control but rather the person behind the gun is the problem. We need a more focused look at people and access to the values and morals of the American citizen (clearpictureonline.com). Because most psychopaths who commit crimes or in other cases mass shootings are usually isolated or bullied or have a minor or major mental illness unidentified or identified in some way, but if we are able to come together as a community if we invest in others and we are able to understand and help each other, we will be able to see the problems and help these people who wallow alone in pain and perhaps prevent these crimes. THE