Topic > College Campus Calendar Business Plan - 1951

Campus Calendar CaseI. BackgroundA. Organization Mission Statement To provide engaging, convenient, and easy-to-use calendar products to the students, faculty, and supporters of Z University and the general populationB. Long-Term Goals/Objectives of the Organization The group wanted to develop and market an "any product" product with the express purpose of earning enough money to finance the final year's tuition of $500 per quarter and gain some hands-on experience in the world of business. I imagine that if the group was successful there would be people who would continue to run the business.C. Industry and Market Analysis1) Competitor Analysis - Note! This analysis assumes that there is no significant impact of computer-based/generated calendars on the market.a. Goals: The company providing a free calendar currently receives revenue from advertising on the calendar. So, we can believe that the goal is to provide a basic product and spend as little as possible to place the product on the market. The "Mall" shopping competition aims to provide a product that satisfies as much of the market as possible by having great diversification in the product mix, thus paying a premium price for the niche product.b. Assumptions: The company providing the free product believes that by providing a free basic product it will attract enough consumers to justify their effort and that sponsoring companies will continue to prefer its product for an advertising outlet. Business competition believes that consumers are willing to spend their discretionary income on personalized calendars and basic functionality is less important.......middle of paper...... -The Best Marketing Campaign for Collegiate Images is to have an intense advertising blitz. They only have about 2 months of actual shelf life to reach their sales goal. To accomplish this task, the team will need to ensure market visibility. The group should contact potential sponsors, comparable to the clients with which groups at other universities have had success. Since the shelf life of calendars is very low, the team should go around the stands at the prom and union game, and through flyers, since flyers are posted daily and have comparable variable costs per unit (0.025 versus 0.023). AppendixTable 1: Advertising Analysis Two Month Cost (8 Weeks) Impact Factor The Easterner $1,120.00 48,000 Flyers $1,200 48,000 Union Table Rental $80.00 NA Total Advertising Cost $2,400.00 NA Least Expensive $1,200.00 NA