Analysis of crazy people that aren't crazy in a book of projections Note: given the specific nature of the text, I thought it might be useful to attach everything on the cover for perusal at your convenience, if you wish. Below is the text of the Norton Anthology of English Literature (p. 295), and below it the assumptions I make in reading the text. The first is directly from the book, and since it's all on one page, I will refrain from annotating that page whenever I reference the text. If you want examples, everything is below and will be treated as my go-to in all situations. The latter are important, so I don't have to cover them in the body of the essay, as they are generally logical assumptions gleaned from reading that I don't have the space to spend time explaining. However, they can be cited for evidence. And in this he showed a little thing, the amount of a hazelnut, which lay in the palm of my hand, as it seemed to me, and was round like a ball. I looked at it with the eye of the intellect and thought: what could it be? And in general it was answered like this: that's all that's done. I wondered how it would last, because I thought it would suddenly fall into thin air due to its smallness. And it was answered me in my understanding: It endures and will endure forever, for God loves it; and so is everything that exists for the love of God. In this little thing I saw three properties. The first is that God made it, the second that God loves it, the third that God keeps it. But what did I see in there? Truly, the creator, the keeper, the lover. Because until I am substantially united with him I will never be able to have full rest or true bliss; that is, I am so attached to him that there is nothing right between me and my God. This little thing that was created, I thought might have fallen into nothingness through smallness. It is necessary for us to know, that we do not like anything that is made, in order to love and have God who is not made. Because this is why we are not all in terms of heart and soul, why we seek rest here in this very small thing, where there is no rest, and we do not know our God, who is omnipotent, omniscient. and everything is fine, because he is very rested.