Rape is often misunderstood and misinformed, due to society's lack of a way to teach people not to be raped instead of teaching them not to rape. Rape is unwanted sexual force against your will and consent. It occurs when a person is unable to resist because they are unconscious, incapacitated, or legally incapable of consenting (legal resources hg.org). They are different types of rape according to the law. Statutory rape exists when an adult has sexual intercourse with a minor. A minor who has given consent is not considered consent, because he or she is a minor and is not legal (legal resources hg.org). If two people are together and have sexual intercourse and their partner is older than the other, considered a minor is considered statutory rape (legal resource hg.org). Marital rape occurs when a woman is married and her partner forces him to have sexual intercourse with her (legal resources at hg.org). Marital rape, which means if you are in a relationship/marriage it is illegal for your spouse to have intercourse with you against your will (women.org). There is also the most common rape called date rape, which is when a person is unconscious (legal resources hg.org). Rape occurs when a person is drugged with rohypnol, which is usually given to a person to drink or eat and leave them intoxicated and unable to maintain consent (hg.org legal resources). The United States ranks 13th with the highest incidence of rape ( Huffingtonpost.com ). In the United States, rape is reported approximately once every five minutes (911 rape.org). Although some people report having been raped, 54% do not (Huffingtonpost.com). Statistics show that 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men experience rape or attempted rape (911 rape.org). 22% of women who were raped were under the age of twelve and… halfway through the document. ..... And. Our society should educate people about the meaning of rape and not rape. Instead of teaching to avoid being raped. The United States and the people can help prevent the occurrence of rape and decrease the number of rape incidents by educating students in school at a young age that rap is not acceptable. Works Cited Chemaly Soraya. “50 Real Facts About Rape.” huffingtonpost.com. 2014TheHuffintonPost.com,Inc.Web.13 Feb 2014.np”Man who said he wanted to rape and eat children gets 27 years”.usatoday.com.copyrights 2013 TheAssociated Press.17 Sep 2013.Web.30 Jan 2014. np” Rape Laws”.hg.org legal resources.Hg.org.1995-2014.Web.7 Feb 0014.np”Statistics”.Rape Treatment Center Santa Monica.UCLA Medical Center.911rape.org.ndWeb.11Feb 2014. np” Know the laws”.womenslaws.org.National Network to End Domestic Violence,Inc2008.Web.February 17 2014