Topic > Sri Lanka - 653

Gaining true independence of Sri Lanka as a nation from the British was a long struggle that began in 1915 due to a rivalry between Sri Lankan Muslims and the Sinhala majority over commercial interests which led to an uprising in Colombo, the administrative capital of what was then known worldwide as Ceylon (Corporation, 2008). The British, in response to the riots between Ceylonians and Muslims, placed the sole blame for these riots on the Sinhalese and implemented severe punishments against the Sinhalese (Irāman̲ātan̲, 1916). As a result, anti-British sentiments began to increase among the Sinhalese majority and a strong interest was placed in being an independent nation (Corporation, 2008). However, it was only a work in progress until the socialist movement LSSP Sri Lanka, founded in 1935, called for the nation to be liberated from the British and for the English administrative language to be replaced with Sinhala and Tamil (Tambiah SJ, 1992). Sri Lanka's plan to become an independent nation that catered to the needs of all ethnic groups in the nation, despite starting as a collectivist ideology, soon began to deteriorate after gaining its long-awaited freedom in February 1948. This was due to the postcolonial separatist mentality (LePoer, 2002). Furthermore, after independence, vital issues such as citizenship concerns of Indian Tamils ​​from the Sri Lankan hinterland and concerns over the national language were not addressed (Roberts, 1994). Furthermore, when these issues were addressed during the SLFP government from 1956 to 1965, the methods used to address these imperative issues that gave Sri Lankan minorities their individual identity were tilted in favor of the Sinhala majority (Hennayake, 2006, pp. 76 -91). Considering the fact that a nation's ethnic identity is the result of long-preserved traditions followed by a set of people, when combined as a state with multiple ethnic identities it could give rise to a conflict of interest. Furthermore, as mentioned by authors David Lake and Donald Rothchild, in most cases, the small minority will adopt the majority but when considering a substantial minority it becomes difficult to adopt in this way (Lake & Rothchild, 1998, p. 48). . This is the case of Sri Lankan Tamils, who represent a large minority compared to other groups and who had key administrative roles during the colonial era, have started protesting against the new Sri Lankan legislation such as "Sinhala Only Act" ( Tambiah S..