Language barriers have been an identified cause of many health problems, including timely and appropriate care, which exacerbate existing conditions and cause new ones. In addition to culturally appropriate education, interpretation is one of the commonly used approaches to help bridge the language gap between patients and professionals. Interpreters are bilingual individuals who provide simultaneous interpretation between patients and healthcare providers who do not share a common language (Finke, Light, & Kitko, 2008). This finding suggests that a good relationship is essential for high-quality patient care. (Finke et al., 2008) use qualitative evidence from interviews with medical interpreters and argue that an interdisciplinary team is oriented in one direction to care for patients and bring them to their highest level of functioning. Certainly, all the observations provided by this journal have reaffirmed that understanding the basic principles of communication should be a fundamental skill of any nurse. However, many barriers can disrupt therapeutic communication, and a comprehensive assessment is needed to determine the patient's culture, religion, educational background, and socioeconomic status (Finke et al., 2008). Patient-centered communication provides nurses with the skills to identify what patients are experiencing and put them in a better position to be empathetic. Meanwhile, creating a better healthcare experience for the patient and a more rewarding and meaningful career for the nurse (Finke et al., 2008). It is also more likely to effectively encourage patients to be active partners in planning and managing their own care. It is significant for healthcare professionals… half of the paper… 5.LaValley, D (2008) Nurse-physician collaboration and patient safety. Crico RMF vol. 26/n. 2Lee Flicek Cassandra (2012) Communication: a dynamic between nurses and doctors. vol. 21/n. 6McCaffrey, R.G., Hayes, R., Stuart, W., Cassell, A., Farrell, C. & Miller-Reyes C. 2010. A program to improve communication and collaboration between nurse and medical residents. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · Vol 41, No 4. Retrieved from:, L., Wilson-Stronks, A., Costello, J., Keleinpell, R.M., Henneman, E. A., Pearson, C., & Happ, M. B. (2009). Improve communication between patient and provider. A call to action. Volume 39, Number 9, pp 372-376.Williams, M.V., Davis, T., Parker, R.M., & Weiss, B.D. (2002). The role of health literacy in doctor-patient communication. FAMILY MEDICINE-KANSAS CITY-, 34(5), 383-389.