There are many different phobias in the world. Some range from claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces, to agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces, yet these little “fears” control these people's lives. What we consider a normal day, they wake up worried about how to deal with this obsession. What causes phobias? What is a phobia? And how to treat them? What is a phobia? A phobia is classified as a long-lasting, unreasonable fear caused by the presence or thought of an object or situation that usually poses no danger. Exposure to this object or situation causes immediate fear and anxiety. The range of different phobias is endless. Anyone at any stage of their life can develop a phobia, however most develop during adolescence and continue into adulthood. Phobias in women are slightly more common than in men. It is estimated that approximately 5-12% of people suffer from phobias. These phobias are not just occasional or alarming nightmares, they are real to the people who suffer from them. They can take over and control your life if not treated properly. A phobia is a disorder and requires appropriate treatment and/or medication. They can cause severe anxiety and panic attacks. People who do not suffer from it do not understand the seriousness of this disease. Not only is it difficult to lead a normal life, sometimes it's like living in your worst nightmare. The ten most common phobias include: arachnophobia, fear of spiders, ophidiophobia, fear of snakes, agoraphobia, fear of difficult situations from which to escape, cynophobia, fear of dogs, astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning, trypanophobia, fear of injections, social phobias, fear of social situations, pteromerhan...... middle of paper...... also be combined with a model in which the patient looks at others in the presence of the phobic stimulus who respond without high levels of anxiety. This makes the patient want to react in the same way. This approach is known to show results in just one therapy session. It's normal for everyone to feel fear, but when do you cross the line into a phobia? Fear is a protective service. It lets you know when you're in a bad situation or need help. However, there is a big difference between a fear and a phobia. Anxiety is just the beginning; soon these little fears can become a really big problem. You start living your daily routine around them and before you know it you are changing your entire life to avoid them. The good news is that there are many different treatments for phobias, and they are usually always effective.