Cadbury Schweppes Analysis INDEX1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………..31.1 Definition… … ……………………………………...31.2 Purpose………………………… …………………...31.3 Data sources…………………. .32.0 MISSION……………….… ………………..42.1 Peter Drucker's questions………………..43.0 COMPANY'S ANTIPARASITIC ANALYSIS………. .……...……………53.1 Political……….……………………….53.2 Economy …………..………………….…..53.3 Social……. .......... .......................................... ............ ................63.4 Technological……...……………..…………..64.0 SWOT ANALYSIS…… …………………..64.1 Strengths……………..…………. 64.2 Weaknesses……………………..………..64.3 Opportunities………………....................... ........................... ……….64.4 Threats…………………..………..65.0 THE KEYS OF THE SUCCESS OF CADBURY SCHWEPPES…… ……..76.0 RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………...77.0 CONCLUSIONS ………………… ………………….. 88.0 LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHY.……………………...99.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY………….……………… …………………..910.0 APPENDIX………………………………9CADBURY SCHWEPPES : A BRIEF ANALYSIS1.0 INTRODUCTION Cadbury Schweppes (CS) is one of the world's largest international drinks and confectionery companies with a market capitalization of £10 billion. With around 200 years of history, the merger of Cadbury and Schweppes in 1969 secured its position as one of the 10 global leaders in the food industry. The company's commitment...... middle of paper ......and the company's reputation among employees and society are completely tied to the decisions made at this level.7.0 CONCLUSIONAfter researching and analyzing all this information, we have come to a conclusion conclusion that the right type of information system will influence the performance and effectiveness of the company within the market. We also concluded that PEST and SWOT analysis is critical for creating contingency plans. The mission statement is also a very important point as it exposes the company's views, business and objectives to the public. 8.0 LIST OF REFERENCES: Cadbury Schweppes PLC website Site accessed on 08/10/2005 Butler Group Review Site accessed on 10/08/20059.0 BIBLIOGRAPHYCorporate Edge, (2002) Cadbury Schweppes: Our Business Principles, Group HR/UK