We are able to understand and learn from our mistakes, as well as find reason in our actions and those of others. We are able to reason and understand each other and, in turn, have consideration for each other. Our minds are like infinite, interconnected threads, capable of finding deep understanding and reason in everything we do; this is important for the human being because without our higher mind we would not be able to realize the human being. Human beings use our bodies and our intelligence to control the way we live in order to improve ourselves and our world. It is living to find fulfillment in ourselves and in our lives. This is done by living to achieve absolute happiness, a sense of higher learning, and developing a sense of high morals. Living to achieve absolute happiness means learning to appreciate life as it comes, going through the worst moments and wanting to keep moving forward, accepting the strength of others when they need it and reciprocating it. That is, you learn to understand the value of what you have, and even when you don't have it, you still want to give to others, instead of